The state of New York requires most employers to provide two important benefits to eligible employees – Disability Benefits Law (DBL) and Paid Family Leave (PFL). Through the DBL and PFL programs, workers in New York can receive wage replacement when they need to take time off from their jobs due to their own disability or family leave reasons.

The DBL program provides benefits to employees for an off-the-job injury or illness. The PFL program allows employees to take paid leave to bond with a new child, care for a family member with a serious health condition, or assist when a spouse, domestic partner, child or parent is deployed abroad on active military service.

Coverage options: Employers can meet their DBL and PFL obligation by purchasing insurance, participating in the State Insurance Fund, or becoming self-insured.

Sun Life Solutions: Sun Life offers solutions to meet your needs through a fully insured DBL policy with a rider for PFL.

Employers who choose private plan administration through Sun Life receive:

  • A coordinated experience between PFML, Short-Term Disability and Absence Management Solutions, if applicable. This leads to a better experience for employees, with one claim submission and a single case manager handling the claim for these benefits
  • Robust reporting
  • Excellent claims management and access to return to work services
  • Compliance guidance on PFML and other leave updates

The New York Department of Financial Services (DFS) has announced that the maximum contribution rate for NY PFL in 2025 will increase from 0.373% to 0.388% of an employee's wages not to exceed an annual maximum employee contribution of $354.53 in 2025.

Also announced, the New York State Average Weekly Wage has increased to $1,757.19 for 2025. This means that the NY PFL maximum weekly benefit is increasing from $1,151.16 to $1,177.32.

More information from the state can be found here.

Frequently asked questions

Yes, Sun Life offers fully insured NY DBL and PFL administration. NY PFL is a rider to NY DBL.

Once an employer has contracted with an insurance carrier to provide DBL and PFL for their NY based employees, the insurance carrier will file the required materials with New York. It is important that ALL Employer Identification Numbers with NY employees are filed and compliant with the mandate, so be sure to list all entities that should be covered under the DBL/PFL policy. 

Program highlights

Plan Name

Disability Benefits Law (DBL)

Paid Family Leave (NY PFL)

Year benefits began

DBL: 1949

NY PFL: 2018

Coverage options  

Private Plan, State Insurance Fund

Types of private plans allowed

Fully Insured, Self-Insured (Sun Life offers administrative support for fully insured) 

Employers covered

Employers of 1 or more employees on each of at least 30 days in one calendar year

Employee eligibility requirements

DBL: 4 consecutive weeks of covered employment in NY (does not need to be with current employer) 

NY PFL: 26 consecutive weeks of full-time employment or 175 days of part-time employment with current employer

Elimination period 

DBL: 7 days for accident and sickness

NY PFL: 0 days for paid family leave

Benefit duration

DBL: Up to 26 weeks per disability

NY PFL: up to 12 weeks

Combined maximum: 26 weeks in a 52-week period

Benefit calculation

DBL: 50% of weekly wages

NY PFL: 67% of average weekly wages

State Average Weekly Wage (SAWW)

  • 2024: $1,718.15
  • 2025: $1,757.19

Maximum weekly benefit 

DBL: $170 (effective since 5/1/1989)


  • 2024: $1,151.16
  • 2025: $1,177.32

Minimum weekly benefit 

DBL: $20

NY PFL: None 

Maximum employee contributions

DBL: 0.50% of employee wages to a maximum of $0.60 per week


  • 2024: 0.373% up to a maximum of $333.25
  • 2025: 0.388% up to a maximum of $354.53

Employer contributions 

DBL: Balance of cost (if any)

NY PFL: None

Post-employment period of coverage

DBL: 4 weeks

NY PFL: None

State resource 

Sun Life is committed to assisting you in complying with the requirements of the PFML law and with providing valuable employee benefits to your employees. We also offer leave and accommodation services. Please reach out to us and we will evaluate your benefit plans and compliance needs from a holistic perspective and provide guidance and services to meet your and your employees’ needs.


Contact your Sun Life Employee Benefits Representative or your benefits broker to learn more.

The information on this page is based on our knowledge of the current New York law and regulations. Content subject to change. This page is not intended to be and should not be construed as legal advice. Employers are encouraged to consult employment law counsel for legal advice.

In New York, Disability Benefit Law policies are underwritten by Sun Life and Health Insurance Company (U.S.) (Lansing, MI) under Policy Form Series 06P-NY-DBL.

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